
According to the Pew Research Center, 2013 and early 2014 brought new levels of energy and optimism to the news industry, thanks in part to digital advertising revenues that have encouraged reinvestment in news operations.1 In 2014, the Pew Research Center counted roughly 5,000 full-time professionals working at nearly 500 digital news outlets. Most of these jobs were created in the past half dozen years. However, the vast majority of original reporting still comes from the newspaper industry.


Modern journalists connect with their audiences and create content for them on a 24/7 basis. Online newspapers provide “comments” sections for reader input at the end of many articles. Journalists maintain ongoing conversation with readers through their news websites, along with email and social media channels. Similarly, online publications are updated more frequently than print-based newspapers and magazines. News writers face constant pressure to update their stories. Reporters also spend considerable time doing research, obtaining background information, and conducting interviews before they begin the task of writing. Broadcast refers to radio or television where the signal is transmitted by radio wave to the receiver.


Broadcast television channels include ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and PBS. Cable television programming is delivered directly to paying subscribers. Examples of providers include AT&T, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable. Regardless of the medium, there has never been more competition to tell stories through video and audio channels. Career opportunities are abundant in a variety of market sizes and locations. Regardless of your staff position, your ability to write well will mark you for advancement throughout your career.