Build An e-Book With WordPress And Beacon

Are you working on building an e-mail list? A common way to entice people to sign up on your website (build your website with namesilo promo code) is through a gift, such as an e-book. You think writing an e-book might be a bit too much for you. Then read on, because with WordPress and Beacon that becomes easier than you think.

How to Create an Ebook Store in WordPress

Sharing valuable information and tips online that your customers and visitors appreciate is simply customer loyalty. You can call it content marketing. A form of marketing that can also take physical forms, such as the football pictures in the past or the illustrious pinball. But attracting an audience online is also part of it.

But people for such a list will first have to voluntarily give their details to you so that you can reach them via e-mail. And how do you come to that e-book? As often there are several roads that lead to Rome. These are two:

You can hire me to write that for you. Yes, brothers and sisters! You can write it yourself. That will cost you a lot of time and energy. Or not?

How do you make an e-book with WordPress?

If you already write blogs or articles for your website, you can use Beacon to create that e-book. My advice is to write blogs that can stand the test of time anyway. As a result, it often becomes reusable information, which in this form can be of interest to new subscribers. Let me just tell you how I made my Better Image e-book.

Create an e-book in 3 steps

  • Step one is, of course, choosing a subject for your e-book. Because I have written several blogs about how to handle images on your website (SEO and loading time), that seemed appropriate.
  • With the Beacon plugin for WordPress, I selected the blogs that I wanted in my e-book. With the push of a button, I sent that to the Beacon web app, for which I had first created a free account (pro version available).
  • Via the web app, you can then create the e-book based on a number of options, such as page layout, background, fonts, and color scheme. Beacon also offers the possibility to use stock photos as background or to upload them yourself. You can also edit the text. Press “Generate PDF”, your e-book will be created and you can download it.

Before creating the e-book, it is, of course, wise to first update your original blogs so that they also end up in Beacon. Encouragements to action – the calls to action – or other text or images that are relevant in your blogs, you can remove or replace in Beacon where necessary.

What I really like about the web app is that the images are copied well and the links in your blogs continue to work in the PDF. Which does cause a problem with embedded videos, because you cannot display or play them in a PDF. That becomes an empty space in the PDF, which you naturally do not want.

Beacon also makes a web version (completely HTML5) of it, so you can also view and share it online via Facebook and Twitter. Creating the e-book is a small party with Beacon.