When was the last time you and your friends read a book, magazine, or article? If you have a friend who isn’t accustomed to reading regularly, it means that he or she is missing on a lot of benefits. Reading books can make us know many things. We can also be more focused if you read regularly. What benefits can we get from reading?
Here are five benefits you can get from reading!
1. Boosts Mental Health
According to research, a person who is mentally stimulated can slow or even prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia (gps tracker til demente). Because reading makes our brain active and prevents our brain from losing strength. Just like other muscles in the body, the brain needs exercise to make it strong and healthy.
2. Adding Knowledge
Everything we read will fill our heads with new information and we will never know when that information will be useful. The more knowledge we have, the more we can overcome every challenge we will face. In addition, some say we can lose everything, but not with knowledge. Knowledge is the only thing that will continue to be with us, friends.
3. Increase Vocabulary
The more we read, the more words we find and it will definitely enter our daily vocabulary. Reading can even help our careers later, you and friends. Because if we read a lot, we can talk well and have extensive knowledge about various topics. Reading books is also important for learning a new language, friends.
4. Improve Memory
When we read books, we are required to have to remember various characters, backgrounds, and histories of each story. The brain is an extraordinary thing that can make us remember these things easily. Every new memory we make will form synapses (new brain pathways) and strengthen existing memories. It helps us to remember short-term memory and stabilize the mood. Great, yes, friends!
5. Increase Focus and Concentration
Now many people are very addicted to the internet. Our attention is taken in millions of different directions at once. When we read a book, all our attention will be focused on the story so that it’s as if the rest of the world just disappears. We can also immerse ourselves in every detail told in the book.
Try reading for 15-20 minutes before doing something, for example on your way to school. Friends will be surprised at how much more focused we are after reading on the trip.